Help Richard Lanning Defeat Seizure Disorder You might just be wondering who I am, why you should care or even consider donating to this cause. My name is Richard Lanning, I have seizure disorder and the insurance I have doesn’t cover much for my medical bills. My story My fight against seizure disorder goes on until the battle is WON. There is no one out know who can say they DO NOT have a friend or relative who has battled a terrible illness. Can you imagine how “different” a person must feel after he or she has experienced a seizure in front of their friends or loved ones? Can you imagine what it must be like to live with the uncertainty that is the very nature of a seizure disorder? Think about what it must be like to live life on a daily basis with the fear that you could have a seizure anywhere, at any time, in front of anyone. Can you imagine what it’s like to live with the uncertainty of not knowing what really happens when you are having a seizure or how the people around you will react if you happen to have a seizure in public? Add to this the stress that comes with the everyday life and thinking about the social issues I’m facing — my relationship with loved ones, peer pressure, managing a job, friends, dating, driving, college, etc. No matter how well adjusted or how well I try to control the, stress is a part of life and I need help to handle it appropriately. All of the above will tell you more about the kind of life I have been living while battling seizure disorder. What I Have Done So Far Currently I work at a Behavioral hospital with volunteer patients to assist involuntary patients. Coping on the job with my state of health has not been easy and at times, it can be dangerous. What I Need & How You Can Help I need your assistance to enable me go for an EEG test because I owe $1197 in medical bills and I can barely make the min payments required for this test. Even some doctors’ that visited in order to get my driver’s license renewed could not do that because of my indebtedness. In the meantime, I must count on people like you, almost for the very success of this campaign. Your right attitude, your open-mindedness, your prayer, and most importantly your FINANCIAL SUPPORT can see me through to getting this test done and assist in the payment of my medical bills. I wonder if you’ll help me with $10, $100, $500, $1000 or any amount at all; it would be much appreciated and well used. Just know you’re funding a piece of soul, moments of my life, my passion and my dream of staying alive and strong. Final Thank You I feel so grateful to everyone who has taken the time to read my campaign and for those who contributed what they could to make a difference in helping me spread the word, your name will be added to the credits in helping me actualize this cause (if you so wish) and you will get a Tax Deduction. Please know your efforts, even the smallest, did not go unnoticed. I will continue to keep you posted on what your donation helped me achieve. If you can’t contribute, that doesn’t mean you can’t help. Help me get the word out and make some noise about “Help Richard Lanning Defeat Seizure Disorder” campaign! Use the sharing tools on our campaign page to email your friends, tweet our cause on Twitter, or share our page on Facebook! We appreciate all your support.