• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am a 66-year-old lady who needs help. I have raised 2 boys and worked 12-14 hrs a day since I was 11 years old. I all of a sudden got sick and my body started hurting so bad that I can hardly clean the house. I have 4 grandsons and love them and my kids more than life and can not live without them.

As a single mom, my boys never did without anything and had the best. I also have helped many people start over by furnishing them a home from dishes to furniture so they could have a good start, never thinking that I would need help.

I have fibromyalgia as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis which has eaten my spine to the point that I can hardly stand for more than 5 min. I also have pancreatitis which was caused by gallstones. I have Chronic venous Insufficiency and Diabetes . I am told that I will continue to have leg ulcers unless I can get help. through my studies and research Houston, Tx has the highest success rate with this issue.  i went to Omaha, Ne, and had glue put in my veins to hope it would make new veins but I had no luck. I am praying to either hire some good doctors to help me or for god to take me home. As most know you are someone until you are broke and then you are nobody even to your family.

I simply want to be able to go back to work and get a nice home which I have always had to have my family over for Sunday dinners and Holidays. I have spent every dime that I have bringing my brother to Branson to take care of him and then he passed away and then I was desperate for a place to live and moved to Lake which is all we could find that I could afford. Getting pneumonia and sicker I then moved to a very small condo which is all we could find but not large enough for a family dinner. Each move was a min of $5000 since I had to put in deposits and hire everything done. Sadly I don’t have another $5000 to move into a place that will fit my family dinners.

I simply want to get well enough to go to work, find something I can do, and have a home large enough that it has a dining room.

I am begging for help as I can not live sitting in a recliner with my legs up by myself That is not my life, I am a worker and have to be able to work.


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