• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hi my Dennis I’m 72 years old and I am seeking help to pay for an attorney to help me get my Social Security benefits, I already receive my M’care parts A & B and I get medical & food help currently from the States and the state pays my part B medicare, because I have no income.

When I was 65 I applied for my M’care benefits and found out from Social Security I was not able to receive my check because they consider me to be illegal.

When I was 14 yrs old my family moved from Canada to MI, my father was a US Citizens, my mother was Canadian. I have lived and worked in MI ever since, I have worked for 50 yrs, paid taxes, served on jury duty been a home owner and did everything any citizens of the US has been entitled too and my 2 older brothers both served in the United States Army Vietnam.

After having 2 surgeries I lost my job and my place to live, by the states standard I am homeless, I currently have been sleeping on my caregivers couch and this is where I have been for almost 5 yrs, I am unable to pay her for allowing me to stay with her and her son and this taken a toll her and her son as well, if it wasn’t for her kindness I’m not sure if I would still be here today.

I reached out to my state rep for help I will not mention names, the person in the office told me it would be cheaper and faster to get a passport I just needed to prove I have been in the US for 10 years, I needed my birth certificate from Canada, my dads death certificate and letters from family and friends after sending all this and my caregiver having to pay for some documentation since I have no income, we sent in all the info along with the application but passport wanted my dads birth certificate from 1922 and my parents marriage license 2 things I had no ideas about how to get, so my caregiver joined Ancestry to see if she could find some info, she was able to find my dads baptism form Detroit and that my dad was born in New York, my caregiver contacted the church in Canada and was able to get the marriage license emailed to her, but the birth certificate is proving to be more difficult to obtain because New York can’t find it and Albany New York will not release any type of documents unless it is done through the courts of New York. My caregiver was able to get info about my dad and grandparents and although my birth certificate states my dad is a US citizen our government will not accept that  because its Canada. I spotted all help from one Stat Rep and stated getting help from another State Reps office this has proven better but still no passport so now I am forced to get an attorney to help get a Green Card or Permit Residence my caregiver can not pay for an attorney and free legal aide gives advice not help. Once I have the money I will be able to retain the attorney I have spoken with and he will see what I qualify for  and will be able to expedite my paper once approved I will be able to collect my SS retro form 7 yrs, and get a place of my own and pay back those who have helped me.

I know God has not forsaken me and he has proved me with shelter and food and I thank everyone in advance for your help and prayers.


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