• help@givetaxfree.org

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Updates at bottom.



“Kione” was recently severely injured in a boating incident, badly breaking her spine in multiple places.

While touring Kaua’i’s Nã Pali Coast with her visiting great-niece, a massive wave struck the boat, causing Kione to be forcefully lifted from her seat and landed with great impact, breaking her lower spine, with complex (multiple) lumbar vertebral compression fractures L1, L2 & L3 and a BURST L2 vertebrae.
She endured nearly two excruciatingly painful weeks in the hospital, mostly flat on her back. She was instructed to wear a waist and vest brace and to not drive, reach up, bend, twist or lift more than one pound for a minimum of three months. They also told her she now has a life long heightened risk of permanent paralysis of her legs and nerve damage, if she somehow hurts herself more.
Now home from the hospital, Kim Ione is still mostly bedridden, unable to care for herself. At present, her friend Annie is staying with her for a couple weeks. The road ahead is filled with uncertainties.
Kim Ione currently requires at home care and may have to hire help (anywhere from $30-60/hr)

She also hopes to attain various holistic healing therapies for an indefinite time as she continues on her journey to recovery. It remains uncertain how long it will take before she can regain her independence and daily functioning.

Our gifting of funds is urgently needed to cover various expenses that she desperately needs during this challenging time, including essential supplies, healing therapies, caregiving, and all the necessities of life that she requires while unable to engage in her usual activities of creating and vending jewelry.

Every contribution is valuable and we appeal to you to consider donating and spreading the word. If you have alternative means of support to offer or have connections with experts in alternative spinal injury rehabilitation, please contact Kim Ione. Together, we can make a significant difference in her journey toward healing and regaining her independence.

If you’re on Kaua’i and you can donate your time and energy, KIM IONE NEEDS HELP WITH:

Food shopping & prep, household & personal tasks, natural healing & rides to doctor’s appointments.



Thank you so much for contributing to help her through this very challenging time!

From Kim Ione / “Kione”

“Greetings my dear friends and family!

I DEEPLY appreciate all your LOVE, energy, prayers, healings, visits, calls, messages, financial support and sweetness.

I’ve just made my first doctors appointment with an orthopedic spine surgeon for the end of September, 2 months to the date after my injury. Sigh!

I’m really down (literally and figuratively) this time and can not thank you enough for anything you can do to help me out!

Truly THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your love and care. It means so much to me to get the much needed support that I unfortunately need at this time. I LOVE YOU!

HUGE LOVE, Gratitude and Appreciation for your help, beloved friends & family.


An updated message from 8.25.2023

🙏🏼 Greetings caring, supportive, loving friends! Thank you so much for all you’ve done this past month to contribute to my healing journey on every level.

I have been embraced, nurtured and supported emotionally, mentally, physically, financially energetically and every other “ally” possible! 

I am deeply honored, humbled and touched far more than words will ever be able to express and probably more than others will be able to comprehend.



Tomorrow marks one month since my spine was broken. This has been one of the longest most difficult months in my recorded history, there have been a couple others… 

More tears have flowed from my eyes in the past 30 days than my whole life put together. I’m really certain of it. 

My tough, often angry exterior has been cracked open and my soft inner self is finally fully coming through. At first it was annoying. Now I have embraced it. And I think that it’s a good thing. Maybe at long last, my anger issue can dissipate.

My other big challenge in life has been a long-term underlying feeling of being unworthy and unloved. 

Thank you so much for making me feel very worthy and extraordinarily loved. Tears stream down my face as I share this. It’s hard to admit

Life can just be so damn hard. And one can just feel so alone in the world, surrounded by others. I feel that this is an illusion. We’re supported energetically by so much more than we can even see and feel.

This injury has caused me to heal on so many levels and I’m so very grateful to all my beloved friends who have helped me heal in these very challenging days.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize to anybody whom I’ve ever seemed less than evolved to. If my anger, hardness or negative emotions have ever caused you any suffering, I’m incredibly sorry and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

I don’t usually share like this and it feels very vulnerable. I feel also that I need to share it. Maybe my suffering and pain can help others to heal too. Or maybe it’s just something I need to share. I hope that somehow I can be of help to you & others. I LOVE YOU and am here for you. Please reach out.



Update from 8.30.2023

I was recently told by three doctors within a 24-hour period that they all believe that I need spinal surgery. (my PCP, chiropractor and naturopath) this really hit me hard, especially since I can’t get in to see a specialist for almost another month. Sigh!

I feel like the past month of my healing journey has kind of been a waste of time and I’m going to have to go through it all over again.

Requesting lots of prayers that I’m going to heal on my own and I don’t have to go under the knife.

Also I’m wondering if anybody has any good information about alternative treatments. I have been told about stem cell therapy, injectable peptides and exosomes. I don’t know much about any of them other than I’ve heard that stem cell therapy could lead to cancerous tumors…

This whole ride has been so challenging and it seems to be continuing… Hopefully the turbulent roller coaster ride will end one day in the not too distant future.

Love and gratitude for all blessings and the big love that has been coming my way!



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