Bill’s medical issues started back in 2017. He has liver cirrhosis and has skin psoriasis for many years. This has led to him not being able to work and be on disability. Which makes Susie the primary income provider. The cirrhosis and psoriasis medication are causing kidney problems and liver failure. He has been in and out of the hospital but the last 4 months, the hospital stays been the worst. He has been hospitalized each month for anywhere between 4-7+ days. On November 14 Susie came home from work and found Bill laying on the floor and unresponsive. Upon getting to the hospital his ammonia level was up to 400! Normal range for ammonia is 15-45. He was on a lot of machines and under heavy sedation as the hospital tried to get his numbers back down. On November 16 Bill had an MRI which showed a stroke on his left side. On Friday morning Bill opened his eyes! The doctors started to slowly wean him off the ventilator and by Friday evening the ventilator was taken out!!! He may have to have dialysis, but as of right now his kidneys are kicking in and working. Bill has spoken a few words, but we currently do not know the extent of the damage from the stroke. Bill’s insurance has preapproved a liver transplant, obviously he will need to get stronger to be able to have the surgery. Susie has used up all her leave from work and with Bill in the hospital, they have now lost their primary income for daily expenses. Bill is only 58 years old . Bill and Susie will be celebrating their 19th anniversary in December!
This is where we, (family, friends and generous people), can help! Please consider any amount you are moved to donate.
UPDATE: Bill has been moved out of ICU! His conversations are much better and he is walking with a walker! He is also able to eat solid food. He is still in danger of aspirating food, but as of now he is doing better. Praise to to God!
UPDATE 12/1/23: Bill is home! His liver is hanging on and kidneys seem to be functioning at about 30% He is doing good. Praise be to GOD!
UPDATE 12/4/23: Bill was taken by ambulance back to the hospital.
UPDATE 12/7/23: We saw Billy on Tuesday. He was talking and aware of who we were. His ammonia levels were up again, that’s why he got to ride in the ambulance and he was out of it on the 4th.
Billy and Susie’s were very THANKFUL for those who have helped them. They were at a loss for words. They have started to receive the funds! Let’s keep sharing and spreading the page!!!
Update 12/21/23: Billy is still in the hospital. He is on comfort care measures only. Please keep him and Susie and their families in your prayers as they go through this difficult time!
1/17/24 I’m sorry to inform you but Billy passed away last night with Susie right by his side. Please say some prayers for her and Billy’s family. Billy had been reconnecting with his faith this last month, I know it would be important to Billy for prayers to be said for him as well!
I got this from the site: “ is a non-profit 501c3 organization that is registered with the IRS and permitted to issue tax deductions for donations we receive.”