• help@givetaxfree.org

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Ari has had a lifetime of medical challenges which she has faced with courage and the confidence that God is in control of her life. She has managed to be independent since her teen years by being a dog walker. She now finds herself not only needing critical abdominal/urinary surgery –which would keep her out of work for several months– but also with the diagnosis of Lupus. She recently suffered a fractured jaw in a fall. She is receiving dental work which is not covered by any insurance with the help of some good friends. Her meager health insurance coverage will expire at the end of 2024 and her premiums would cost an excessive amount –if she could even hope to cover them. 

This fund raiser is intended to help her get insurance that could help in the treatment of her Lupus and get her started with the astronomical expenses of the major surgery she will be facing. Since she will be unable to work for several months after her surgery, she will need to somehow cover her living expenses –rent, utilities, food. Good friends are helping her explore every avenue of finding financial support for her situation, but she is in need of immediate funds to get her treatment of Lupus started as well as lining up her surgical requirements. 

This organization has a dual-benefit system: all funds that Ari receives remain untaxed and donors receive a tax deduction. Givetaxfree.org is not related in any way to GoFundMe. 


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