In September of 2023 our oldest, Alex, was just getting started in his third year at Colorado State University as a mechanical engineering student. His life was very full with pursuing his side passion of studying philosophy and enjoying time spent with his many friends. Then in mid September a biopsy on a suspicious lymph node in his armpit revealed Stage 2 (unfavorable) Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Beginning in October 2023 Alex underwent the standard 6-month ABVD chemo regimen and although chemo was difficult, Alex seemed to be sailing through with flying colors! At the midway point in January 2024, the PET scan taken showed great success by all accounts. However, 3 months later another PET scan at the end of March 2024 revealed the largest tumor had not shrunk and unexpectedly a new tumor developed. This left his oncologist baffled, and sent Alex on a quest to study and try to understand what he is facing more in depth.
Unfortunately, since this larger tumor has not responded well to the standard chemo protocol (and because of its position in his chest, radiation and surgery are not valid options for removing it), the next step in the oncology flow chart would have Alex lined up to undergo what is called salvage chemo, “Patients with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma who relapse after the first round of chemotherapy have about a 30% cure rate with conventional salvage chemotherapy” (this is a last ditch chemo effort which can severely damage the organs and requires a stem cell transplant at the end of it).
At this point in his journey through cancer, because Alex is still only in stage 2, alternative treatments are probably the best option available to him and he has reallocated almost all of his researching energy into viable alternative options with the strongest research and studies from the medical community to back them up. Alex has a great attitude, especially considering what he is facing at age 23, and he is leaning on his strong faith, but the battle is just beginning. There is no doubt the road ahead will be physically, emotionally and financially taxing with more treatments, additional tests, and integrative oncology visits.
Traditional insurance will not cover many of the alternative treatments available for people in Alex’s situation. We are asking for you to prayerfully consider helping us tackle this cancer from as many angles as possible by praying for Alex’s healing and giving if you feel led. God alone holds the outcome and the number of Alex’s days, but we are trusting for miracles while walking forward day by day.
Thank you so much for standing with Alex and our family as we navigate this challenging path, we are beyond grateful for your prayers and kindness.