• help@givetaxfree.org

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Give a helping hand to Emmanuel!

Emmanuel, who is 26 years old and has poliomyelitis, a viral infection causing nerve damages, in need of assistance. Without a suitable walking stick and a wheel chair, he has trouble getting around. His physical limitations necessitate everyone’s aid. This dishonest incident began in 2013 and grew worse every day. His parents, who live in extreme poverty, are no longer able to pay his bills because he has been dealing with this for the past ten years. They have spent all they have and left with nothing. Emmanuel needs financial aid for medical costs associated with the required surgery to fix his legs as well as the cost of a wheelchair so that he can enjoy his favorite activities.

Furthermore, he will require assistance with food and other everyday essentials. Emmanuel can’t do anything by himself. He managed to attend university and graduate with good grades despite his illness with assistance from a variety of people. He also learned how to use a computer with some other interpersonal skills. He graduated today, however, he is currently unemployed due to a lack of employers. To feed himself, Emmanuel needs assistance! According to him, he said life has not always been easy and things are getting tougher everyday. He said he will like to be self-employed so he could be able to feed himself.

Emmanuel Monday Egbeja is a member of our foundation, Give Us Our Daily Bread Foundation, a 501(c) non-profit organization that assists people who are hungry and need help



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