• help@givetaxfree.org

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To the wonderful Friends of Tom…. Often it takes a village to overcome challenging times, and we are so lucky to be part of Tom’s village. Tom is the guy who stands, smiles and greets every person by name. He’s always there to support his friends in good times and hard times. You can always count on Tom to lend an ear, a hand or a ride.  As you may already know, Tom has recently run into some health issues. Tom landed himself in the hospital for several days while the doctors poked and prodded before diagnosing Tom with heart failure. Turns out, that big heart of his isn’t beating quite as strong as it needs to.  We are hopeful that with some medication, cardiac therapy and nutritional support, Tom can make a successful recovery, but he has a long journey ahead.   Many of you have asked how to help support Tom, so I’ve decided to create this outlet for giving. Tom is so fortunate to have the support of his wonderful son, Vince, but I believe we can join forces and support the whole family.  Any funds we raise will be used to help Tom with medical expenses and other associated costs. Tom deserves all the best because he gives his best everyday. We are all looking forward to seeing Tom strong and healthy again, so here is an opportunity to help him get there. A gift from your heart will help Tom’s heart beat stronger!  There is no better exercise for the heart then reaching down and lifting others up.


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