Hello, my name is Brian – I am a father of 5 that is seeking assistance while my wife is on work leave with our newborn. We had a family set with 4, and we were surprised with our 5th but by all means, had to keep her. This put us in a financial situation we didn’t plan for, and struggled to do work. We lived about 30 minutes from school, work & daycare and had to move closer to the city to avoid not only the gas, but time away from home before and after work and school. Overall the move gave us a place that can fit a family of 7 but came at a cost, and we were already making the impossible work at our old house. With the cost of the move, wife being out of work for 2 months & increased living expenses not only in the place we moved into, but also much higher in town utilities vs out of town. I’m requesting assistance on help to get through the few months and get back on track from losing 50% income for 2 months, on top of moving expenses and increased costs. Every little bit helps and will go towards the living payment and food for my wife & 5 kids. We are very active in the community we live in & active at church, which has kept our heads up high that we get through this season of life. I am hoping this will get us through, and we will be able to have a more normal 2023 as we finish out this year with our newest addition to our family. I appreciate & thank everyone that considers donating.