I’m asking for assistance for my Brother Chuck Haynes who is literally fighting for his life. He was diagnosed with Mesothelioma of the left lung and has metasisized to other areas. He’s taken Chemotherapy every 3 weeks and has made it past the expected survival which was 12-15 months. My brother is a fighter and has a strong faith, but it’s very taxing to someone who is living alone and trying to make it financially and emotionally when it seems like it’s just too much sometimes.
You see my brother has beaten cancer once before at 13 years old from Hodgins disease, and he’s with the same physicans group that helped him before so I can’t persuade him to move in with me. I’m in Tennessee and he’s in Springfield Mo. He doesn’t own anything except an old truck and a small camper in which he’s living in. We’ve been told you can’t own anything of value in order to get government assistance. He does get $1,700 a month from Social Security, he doens’t qualify for SSI because He has a lawyer out of St. Louis to attempt to get settlements for his exposure to Asbestos which has caused his Mestholioma.
The Law firm is holding $74,000 of his settlements as of right now they say that insurance which he’s getting Medicaid to take their part, there’s a lien on it. We don’t understand or know what to do. I help as much as I can and I need to spend more time with him but it’s expensive to fly now.
I’m asking for assistance to get him out of the camper and into a rental house or apartment. I’m sure in the next year or so he will be in a hospice situation. He’s paying his Oncologist, deductible for insurance and some of his medications. He takes chemotherapy every 3 weeks and it takes almost a week to recover from it. We’ve found someone to move in with him and share expenses and that will help some. But first we need enough assistance to move into a house. I don’t understand how it’s possible to work hard all your life and then end up fighting so hard just to survive and Mesothelioma is an uncurable cancer. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so very much for your consideration and anything would truly help.
De Ann Miller (Chucks sister)