I hope today finds you blessed and tomorrow brings you joy. I am creating this campaign to reach out to those generous and understanding of my situation and are willing to help me fight my battle with cancer. I have terminal metastasized stage IV breast cancer plus secondary lung cancer. I’m attempting to acquire financial assistance to alleviate the difficult situations I am facing as a result. I have had a double mastectomy and my body rejected reconstruction surgery five times. Facing this cancer is a difficult journey and having been through multiple treatments it prevents me from living a normal way of life. My heart is beginning to fail, and although I’ve undergone a procedure to have a stent inserted recently, I continue to face heart failure. There is a buildup of fluid around my lungs. It’s extremely difficult to breathe.
My finances have caused me to sink to what is a low point: I have lost my car, I am late with the rent and other expenses, and I am out of ideas and resources. I’m flustered and I feel hopeless! This situation is serious and I actually do have difficulty asking for assistance.
However, the need for financial assistance has become crucial while I continue to face many challenges. This disease is taking a toll on my physical health because I can not afford the mounting medical bills required for continued treatments, much less other expenses. I need to know that I am not alone in this battle, and there are resources, and people who care. I honestly need your help during this tough time.
My mother passed away when I was quite young, and my father has a different lifestyle now and a new family. I am fighting but I can not fight alone anymore. I appreciate people like you who share their compassion through the love of God.
Kassy Jones