• help@givetaxfree.org

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Update January 18, 2024: 

Happy New Year! 

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out an update. There is not much of an update to say. 

I quit Curie and kicked her to the curb not long after my last post. I have hair growing again. I have not had a seizure since October, BUT I do sense them still and I have a nasal spray to prevent them from coming on. I have started getting super anxious, and I am no longer taking chemo. Which is quite surreal to me. I went to another doctor in Atlanta in December, who said you’ve done your 12 months and it’s not going to do anymore to the cancer cells. It might hurt you, and your good cells if you keep taking it. So I’m just going to keep doing MRIs and my team of Doctors is just going to keep monitoring what is left of Darla <— that’s the name of my tumor, her name was given by one of my besties. 

I’m down to just less than $5,000 on one credit card for my medical bills. even though this fundraiser does not show the number of donations to reflect that or the hard work I’ve done myself. Now that it is a new year, and a new insurance plan, I’m back to paying for all my doctor visits and medications again. *cry 

When will Americans catch an f’n break with their health and insurance, and they stop gouging us for every nickel and dime we have? 

Thank you all for your donations last year, and I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday, with friends and family. 


Michelle “Slice” 

Update September 11, 2023:

I know this update is needed, but as with the last blog update (—> https://sliceslicebaby.wordpress.com/), if anyone has had a chance to catch up there. Updates are a struggle for me to get done. I’m always tired, but I had some appointments in August that I know everyone wants to hear about. I had a neurologist appointment on the 14th where they put me on a 3rd anti seizure medication, (yes, I am on 3 at the same time)  but didn’t get to start that until the 24th due to some complications on getting that medication. (no seizures tho! but today marks exactly 2 weeks, and I’ve been having seizures every ~2ish weeks, so only additional time will tell) I did have a follow up neuro appointment today where we discussed that. I did have a follow up with my neuro surgeon BUT I forgot about that (go figure, chemo brain), so I had to reschedule — and that will be on the 15th of September. I had an MRI on the 15th of August, which — the results were unchanged from the last time. Is that good, bad? Well, it’s not great news, but it is not terrible either. Is chemo working? Is Curie working? WHO KNOWS!!!! I have another one in November. I told my radiologist that I don’t want to continue with Curie after the New Year. The last appointment was a dentist appointment and I was SCARED for this one (there was a lot of tears, like A LOT so much that the hygenist kept stopping and asking if I was sure I was ok, and handing me tissues) because the last time I was fighting this brain tumor, when I had a 6 month check up, I left the dentist needing 6 fillings, which 2 of them ended up turning into crowns, and if you know me… I don’t get cavities, I take REALLY good care of my teeth, they are something I take pride in. This time tho, NO CAVITIES! It pays to have experience with cancer. I’ve been using Clinpro 5000 from the dentist and I think that has a lot to do with it.

Heavy on the F*ck Cancer.

I’m sick of being sick and I’m tired of being tired.

A  BIG THANK YOU to those that have donated, your donations have put a small dent in my debt, but I’m still digging my way out, and with a New Year fast approaching I am not looking forward to trying to find a new insurance plan, because the one I am currently on, is just way too expensive to continue.

Thank you!
Michelle D. Kahla

Missing skull and space of brain matter
Prepping for “Curie”
I shave my head and place arrays 3x a week
“Curie” makes me look like a Japanese pear
I asked my Doctor for a picture of my tumor before he removed it. He did not disappoint.

Unfortunately, my life was first turned around at just 27 years old, which was just on the personal crippling failed marriage side, then to top it off (like a cherry-bomb topped disaster flavored sundae), I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I’m now 36 (happily remarried) and what was at the time I thought I beat my brain tumor. It’s now back since 2021 and rearing its u-g-l-y head once again.

I wish none of us had to feel like our life had a price to it, the health care system does not make it easy for us to receive the treatment we all deserve, or pay for it with our insurance. Insurance is a joke, that cost us too much, to have to pay a copay and still have to meet a deductible.  We have to jump through so many hoops and pre-authorizations to get the care we need to survive. So until our system changes, we all should consider lending a hand to those in need. 

When I was initially diagnosed with a brain tumor, I started a blog in the hospital, some days I was great, but some days they were off the wall. I would keep it up throughout my recovery and then I eventually stopped, updating here and there. Then when I relapsed I took it back up and only recently decided to take a more permanent break due to the daily exhaustion, and state of depression I am in.

You can catch up if you are new here: https://sliceslicebaby.wordpress.com/

This time around we (my team of Doctors and I) are approaching my treatment differently, I have the help of a new device called Optune aka Curie (pictures posted in blog and above), and my chemo (no radiation therapy this time). I have been doing both of these treatments all this year, with both of these amazing treatments the Doctors and I have seen some positive results but only time will tell if both of these things working together will dissolve what remains of the tumor and hopefully prevent the tumor from coming back a 3rd time. 

I am so blessed with family & friends to support me. However, keeping myself alive has brought on many financial sacrifices for everyone. In order to continue I am in need of help. Help me not be afraid that I will never give up my battle due to financial reasons. I’m $1000’s in medical debt my head bobbing in and out of water. I’ve tried to apply for loans to pay off my credit cards but have been denied. (My credit has taken hits because of that too) So here I am doing something that I am not truly comfortable with, but if I have learned something from my 9-year battle it’s that we must ask for help.


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