Our Mission: To break the cycle of illiteracy, homelessness and poverty of orphans in Oaxaca, Mexico, providing the educational, financial and emotional means and support. For the last 17 years V.I.D.A. has provided the following: Major improvements to orphanage’s premises Academic enrichment of the youngsters’ Elementary School education by providing math, reading and spelling programs, books, educational incentives, tutors, mentors, educational toys, sports and art supplies Computers and computers programs Extra-curriculum activities academic and sports related Clothing and school supplies PTSD counseling Art and Craft centers and activities The financial, emotional and logistic support for the 6th grade graduates to enter and pursue 3 years of Junior High School at “Internado Mantecón” Continued financial support and mentoring throughout their High School years. When needed, their housing is being provided. Continued financial support and mentoring throughout the achievement of a University degree or an occupation. Housing included as needed. V.I.D.A. has proudly supported countless children. Thank you for your support!