My husband is a veteran and served 4 years in special forces in Vietnam in 1970-1974. His mission was to go into Hanoi and free POW’s.
In 2020, my husband went in for double hernia surgery. They ran a blood test ,only to find out that he had stage 5 renal failure. They did not start dialysis for 3 months. He was dying a little each day before my eyes. During this time he was transported by ambulance to the hospital. This was all during the virus scare , I could not go with him and could not see him. Each time they took him, I did not know if I would ever see him again. there was one time he was having issues with his heart. Shortly after they took him to the ER, I received a call from the hospital asking for permission to repair his lung. The doctor informed me that they lost him twice on the table. He was stable and they implanted a pacemaker. He is now limited as what he can do and tires very easy. He takes dialysis three days per week. I am very lucky that he is still here with me. We have ran up numerous medical bills and that and my husbands health is taking its toll on him and he worries a lot about the bills and what would happen to me in the event that something would happen to him. He is also on several high priced medications. I hope that you would consider helping him as that would take a lot of worries from him and give him a peace of mind. He is not aware of what I am trying to do, as if I successful, it would be a huge surprise for him. I pray that there might be some that would find it in their heart to help. Thank you for taking time to read and consider me plea for help. God bless all that read this.