Dear Family and Friends,
My last two trips to the Dominican Republic had such an impact on me, I am planning on going on a third mission trip this summer!
This July we will, God-willingly have the opportunity to go with a team of people from Fellowship Christian School to share the Good News of Jesus with those in the Dominican Republic! We hope to be involved in a combination of medical clinics, eye clinics, sports clinics, backyard Bible clubs, construction, and evangelistic presentations. The mission work in the Dominican Republic is far from over, and their love for Americans creates an open door for sharing the Good News in a variety of effective ways.
So, I am writing to you to ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting me on this journey. First and foremost your prayers would mean the world to me. The D.R. is a third world country and there will undoubtedly be many unforeseen challenges along the way. If you would be willing to support me financially as well, please donate whatever you feel called to give. Your help will be very much appreciated to raise the $1650 I will need for this trip (your donations are tax deductible). When I return home I will be sending out a follow-up report to let you know how it went!
Thank you and God bless!
Drew Fiscus