• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello my name is Roger; let me tell you a little bit about myself I was born in a small town in Ohio I could not wait to grow up and live on my own! my father one day came home drunk and started hurting my mom and me. For some reason, he just doesn’t love me. Finally, the day came I just had turned 18, and I think I would go out for a while.I met my first wife and we had two beautiful children, but I did have a drinking problem and so we got a divorce I was out of work for long my wife started making up excuses for why I can’t see my kids. anyway my cousin down in Florida offered me a job so I was living on my own I started packing my things and down to the sunshine state. I met this girl started dating after all of this I was still drinking well my Aunt and my girlfriend dropped me off in Oakacobee fla at a drug and alcohol problem my girlfriend left and never said goodbye, then I realized I need to get some help so I put myself In an inpatient problem I was going to be there for 90 days, I met my second wife there, well her mom got sick we moved to Massachusetts, she went first cause I was still working, so a few weeks later  I got on Greyhound and was moving up north in New England. but on the way up here my left leg started feeling numb so severe I couldn’t walk, so I had my amputation in the state of Delaware, then got back on the bus after being there for a long time, everything was Ok for a while, losing my leg was so damaging to me I started drinking again, she kicked me out, I had no one to help me no family here So after months of being in a homeless shelter they found me a place to live, but after being there for a while during the winter of 2022 a water pipe burst so we had to leave so they had other houses she runs a homeless place I went to Leominster I was there for about a year then I went to bed one night and my right leg started going numb so I had to go to the ER and they took my other leg!! so now I am in a nursing home I am now very scared I can’t go down south to be with my family and friends I am on disability but these days everything is so expensive, I have been so depressed I basically lost everything and what money I do get the nursing home gets it and they give us $72 a month! anyway maybe someone could help me out anything is welcomed        Thank-You Roger T.


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