• help@givetaxfree.org

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We have been so caught off guard by this health EMERGENCY.  Starting November 9th, 2022, my sister passed away from high blood pressure and heart problems. I purchased airline ticket to attend the funeral in georgia I had to drive  .  I got there in time and was scheduled to drive back the following Monday, I called the wife Sunday morning, and she was somewhat incoherent and in and out, so I told everyone I had to get back to Texas; something was going on with the wife; she needs me. , she has always been diagnosed with Hypoglycemia but the meter would only read HI.  I called 911, they took her to the hospital and they had to actually draw blood for the lab to see what her blood sugar level was, it came back at 1416, they put her on insulin drip and she stayed in ICU (intensive care unit) for 4 day’s with me by her side. She was in bad shape to say the least, after that third day in a regular room we have been trying desperately to keep it regulated. The earliest appointment with an oncologist is January 20th.  She is on two different insulins and her eyesight has gotten so bad it’s hard for her to read the numbers on the syringe. I drive for a freight company, been there a little over 20 years,  but because of her health and condition I’ve had to miss work to care for her.  to help her take insulin, she is 66 yrs old and I will be 70 in February.  Lost my first wife after 27 very happy years due to breast cancer diagnosed Christmas Eve that year and she was taken from me April 30th, only 4 months later.   My present wife and I have been married 19 yrs so far and I can’t see losing her too, I don’t know if this will help or not but I pray it does thank you in advance


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