I’ve never actually been the one to ask for help we have always done pretty good on our own. The last couple of months we have had it rough my husband lost his job our car blew up I lost my job we have pretty much made it on what we’ve had to sell. We are now pretty much out of those things also. I’ve seen many of the GoFundMe pages of people asking for help with buying them drugs with helping them support their self so they don’t have to have a job I’ve seen all kinds of crazy things like that after going through the GoFundMe pages. So I figured why not give it a shot. I’m hoping for a little bit of luck I guess maybe since we’ve had nothing but bad luck the last few months. We are a pretty big family there is 12 of us. We are trying to save money an pay our bills at the same time with neither of us working full time jobs its been really rough. We are wanting to get a dependable vehicle so we can get full time jobs again we are wanting to be able to catch up on our bills since we have shut off notices now. We are wanting to be able to make sure our children have a good Christmas. So if we are able to get the least help from anyone it would be greatly appreciated God bless