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My wife Cori was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and was only given a few months to live, she is a fighter, and we are on month nineteen, we just recently found out about a new procedure where they harvest NK cells from your body and clone them in a petri dish and then inject them back into her body. It is very expensive, and we have gone through all of our savings fighting this cancer; they are telling us they are having an 86% success rate with this procedure. We are on a clinical trial that seems to be keeping the Cancer from spreading for the time being. My wife is the most beautiful, loving, and caring woman I have ever known, and we could sure use the help to give her the best chance at healing this Cancer. The name of the treatment is called the Warburgh way; it can be viewed on Utube. where they have cured many patients and extended their life for them. At this time, she is doing chemo treatments for five days, and then she is very sick for the next following week. The great thing about the Warburgh way is that they use a much lighter dose of the chemo, and the side effects are very slight. We are very excited about this new treatment and hope to be able to add her to the treatment. Hopefully, we can raise this money as soon as possible in order to get her this treatment, which could be the difference between life and death. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.


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