• help@givetaxfree.org

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My husband was diagnosed with lung cancer of both lungs on Aug, 28th 2023. We will be starting treatment and are unknown what that will entail. We need help with medical expenses and just daily costs of living. All funds will be used to pay for either medical costs, prescription or utilities. We have 4 kids 26, 23, 13 and 5. Our two older children are helping where they can, but they have their own lives to pay for. With this diagnosis my husband could not work at this time making me the sole provider of my house. This has made things very tight and hard to make ends meet. While trying to maintain a healthy family life for the younger children who don’t quite understand what is going on. Anything will help.  We have no idea yet what the treatment plan will be or how much it will cost. We are also waiting for disability and food stamps, but with the cost of living going up it is hard to make ends meet. Any help would be amazing. My husband is a very hardworking man and wants to see his children grow up. Please consider donating and helping my family keep him with us. My husband an I have been together for almost 20 years. He is the heart of our family. He is loved. With cancer treatments can get expensive fast. Please help my family keep our heads above water. My family needs their father. Please please please help my family. We appreciate any help that can be given. Thank you for considering


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