• help@givetaxfree.org

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I am a grandma to 7 grandchildren, 2 of which are my sisters. She passed away several years ago.  I also have a brother who passed several years ago, as well.  My family is dwindling fast.   I am trying to keep my family together, but it is difficult since I now have throat cancer and am several states away from them now. They say they got all my throat cancer but need to be checked every three months, and I now have to wear a prosthesis in my mouth for the rest of my natural life, which costs $4000.00 each time I have to have one made. I have a temporary one for now, and I am waiting for a permanent one.     I am in desperate need of getting my family together one more time before we say our final goodbyes.  I am also trying to keep up with the medical bills I now have, and my insurance, of course, does not cover it all.  With all medical bills, I cannot afford to do much of anything these days.  I would appreciate all the help I can get to help me through this terrible time in my life. You have no idea how much this means to me and my family, since we cannot get together on a daily basis.   Thank you from the bottom of my heart.   Carol


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