Hello, I am Sujittra. I am a woman in my 40s, and Life just stopped for me. I am not working at the moment because I am dealing with chemotherapy and weight loss. After chemo, you can’t eat. The doctor tells you to eat, but you can’t. Chemo takes the wind out of you. I wasn’t crazy about losing all my hair either, and to the people that are reading this, please go get checked at 40 and up for mammograms. For you, mom, sister, or wife. I am now living with Breast cancer in both breasts. I will be having a double mastectomy at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC next week. This will be my first time ever using a site like this, and I’m a little ashamed of asking for a small donation just to help me out till I get back up on my feet after the operation, that’s all. Hopefully, I’ll be able to buy some wigs for women who have cancer. I didn’t realize I had to go buy wigs when I got cancer it’s a plus you don’t feel Good with a bald head, and yes I am a little bit scared that both my breasts will be taken off, but if it’s going to help me live, so be it. I was sitting in the Park the other day and didn’t realize how beautiful it was until my life was threatened with being taken away. The birds and the squirrels, the trees, the smells it was beautiful It’s time for me to go take a rest and drink water. Thank you for your time. If you need my doctor’s name, I can provide it for you. Thank you all, Sujittra.