• help@givetaxfree.org

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Malachi had complete liver failure with an autoimmune hep C component that came on suddenly for the 1st time ever (ultimately they don’t know exactly WHAT caused the ultimate failure). He received a liver transplant a month after he turned 20. He never fully recovered & ended up with a 2nd full transplant 6 months later after he had been given a week to live. He was recovering beautifully but then at 10.5 months post recovery for an unknown reason he went into severe rejection which ended with the Drs giving him a month or two to live with nothing they could do to help him. At this point, he is not giving up, and has surpassed that 1st month expectancy. He is looking into alternative opinions & options, but they are not covered by insurance & costly. This goal should more than cover what he needs. We post occasional updates that are saved in story bubbles on our family IG page. We would be grateful for your partnership in this and especially in prayer for answers as to why this has happened (& a root cause) but ultimately completely healing for him to live a long life. With what we have done so far this last month, his labs indicate he is improving (which the medical drs said was impossible). He has already incurred medical expenses that are out of pocket that disability does not cover, but he is mostly looking to get some genetic testing done things to deal with root causes so not only is he fully healed, but there are no more relapses. He would also like to travel for prayer/ healing. Thank you so much for being here & loving on my boy ♥️


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