Oct 2020 Update:
From Rebecca’s Parents: We started this goal nearly 2 years ago and now Max has left for hopefully his last board training. Thanks to all of you who have supported Rebecca’s campaign to get a service dog…. And not just any service dog, Maximus the Wonder Dog – as he has been called on occasion.
God has really blessed this process and we’ve learned a lot about doubt, trust, and love. We weren’t sure this was the right path, but we’re thankful Rebecca pushed us to just try and see what happens. We were amazed!
We can not thank all of you enough! Thank you for your prayers and support. May God bless everyone that has helped us along the way.
From Rebecca: Max left for the next two months and it’s going to be hard. It’s amazing the bond you get with a service dog because unlike people, dogs don’t really care if you’re having a bad or good day, it’s all endless love.

Just like the pets you probably have at home right now there’s nothing like that animal/owner bond, you can look at them and know what’s going on with them…except mine can help me through seizures and is learning to dial 911

July 2020 Update: It has been a heart warming blessing to see people continue to donate during these unprecedented times. There are truly no words that can describe the feelings of support, community and encouragement to know that we are truly not not alone in this life but have friends and family who are willing to stand with us. Many fundraisers never even get a good start but we’ve almost reached our original goal. It makes us all want to say Thank You Jesus! in the most sincere manner.
Currently we are attempting scent training at home with Max which is new for us. He is entering the task phase of his training and we are sorting out useful task from not so useful task to prevent wasting critical training time when he returns to the professional trainers. I(Becca’s father) enjoy working with “Speak” which would be used for alerting . I don’t get much response for the other commands but Max follows all of Rebecca’s commands, so I guess that’s what we really want. Max still gets skittish around animal statues. He actually scared me at the zoo when he got the Tiger stirred up. Mostly, his socialization is going well and he loves to play when given that chance. Just like every other pet owner, we’ve grown attached to him and like a child, we really hate to see him grow up. That won’t keep us from continuing his training and discipline because that what he’s here for. Being a public escort actually seems to be his favorite activity or his raison d’être. God Bless You All! and Thank You for your Prayers and Support!
April 1 2020 Update: While everyone is social distancing, Max is starting another month of training(another $3300). This time he is training on more advanced behaviors and seizure response. We hope he learns very fast and will not need more than 3 months (It is estimated 3 to 5 months at this stage). His biggest distractions are the desire to bark at squirrels and belly rubs but he’s supposed to become more disciplined with training and mature as he approaches the 2 year old mark. The trainers are very professional and showcase some of their work on Facebook. You may see Max from time to time.
Here he is learning to detect a seizure through smell:

Update: Max started phase 2 service dog training on Jan 26. This training covers obedience and scent detection.
Max is a one year old Golden Doodle who needs Specialized Intensive Epileptic Alert & Response Service Dog Training.
Having this service dog would allow my 22 year old daughter Rebecca to have some type of safety and independence. She suffers from Refractory Epileptic Seizures with both Focal & Generalized type seizures that happen without warning. Imagine being a young adult needing to have someone with you 24-7…no baths for fear of drowning, no driving, avoiding ALL types of flickering light , not finishing high school with your peers or being able to attend college. What is day to day for most people can be a struggle for Rebecca but service dogs have been shown to help.
We are asking for help to send Max to Service Dog School at Comprehensive Pet Training,inc( www.cpt-training.com) in Atlanta. Our original goal was $18000. As we approach the second half of 2020 we will be able to see how well Max learns and hopefully get an good estimate of final cost. All donations are maintained in his own account and go toward his Epilepsy response and support training, boarding, food, vet care, socialization, and graduation. No donation is too small and Givetaxfree.org will issue a receipt for tax purposes .
Please share, like, and forward this campaign around.
With love and hope,
Rebecca’s Family
Update: Rebecca turned 22 in July and Max turned 1 on Oct 31. They are currently working to pass the obedience test before placing Max in board training. This saves the cost of having the professional trainer teach him everything and allows Becca to learn training skills. You will never know how much it means each time someone donates.