My Nephew Iverson decided to make his appearance 2 months early. My sister was at work when her water broke and had to rush to St. Lukes ER where she was transported by ambulance to Iowa City University. She was in the hospital from Feb. 23rd and gave birth on Feb. 28th. He is in NICU and she has been unable to work since Feb. 23rd and must remain in the hospital until at least his due date in the middle of April. Her daughters are with our parents and have been since the beginning of all of this. She really NEEDS HELP financially, her water and electricity are on the verge of being shut off and she has no help financially and can not work because she needs to be with lil man especially since she plans on breast feeding when he is medically cleared to do so. With the bills piling up and no money for food ( hospital food gets expensive and no transportation to get food and no income.)
I ask you to please help and/or even just share. Any help is appreciated. She is trying to devote all her attention to Iverson but the stress of no income is weighing on her. Thank you for your time and donations and help for my very stressed sister.