This plea for assistance goes out to all the friends and relatives of my sweet sister Kathi Woolsey who recently suffered a stroke. She has always been a very independent and very hard working person, however, this horrific stroke has left her quite debilitated. It is not yet known if she will recover completely and be able to resume her livelihood of working as a tutor. In the meantime she must maintain her apartment residence while she is in the residential care of a rehabilitation center. She is also responsible for her utilities and her car payment and auto insurance. If there is anyway you can help with a donation in any amount it can mean the difference between her being homeless and destitute and being secure and unafraid of the future. My sister Kathi lives in the Seattle, Washington area. It is very expensive to live in that part of the country. Currently she is living in a very very small one bedroom apartment and it took her a very long time to find her apartment because in the price range she’s in most are in very unsafe neighborhoods. So it would be very worrisome if she had to go into a bad neighborhood to find even less expensive housing. Kathi is a single woman who is 66 years of age, with no outside financial help who unfortunately lives paycheck to paycheck. She does presently get Social Security however it is an amount that would put her below the poverty line.