2019, Adrien was denied Life insurance. He made an appointment with the PCP for March 2020, and we all know what happened in March of 2020, COVID-19. His appointment was canceled, and then, in September 2021, he went into the ER for painful and swollen knees. The fluid in his knees was drained, and at this point, bloodwork came back, indicating that he was in kidney failure. That’s when this all began. Since then, Adrien has been in the hospital for over 50 days, has had almost a dozen blood transfusions, many surgeries, and is now on 24-hour Home dialysis. Adrien’s kidney function is now at zero percent. He can no longer urinate; you see healthy kidneys clean out toxins, keep blood pressure under control, make strong bones, and also make pee. Adrien is being put on the kidney transplant list. We have a couple of people interested in donating, but again, it is a long process. Adrien has been out of work since this all began on September 11, 2021. During this time they have been relying on family and friends to maintain their bills and medical expenses because although Adrien was approved for disability it will not begin until July and Rebekah is providing full-time care for him as well as the children. Even when disability starts, it will not be enough to cover their expenses, so they may have to consider selling their home. However, one of our biggest hopes is to see them maintain stability until Adrien gets a transplant so they do not have to consider relocating until he is feeling better. The estimated wait time is six months if his living donors are approved. Please consider donating to the family. Any help would be greatly appreciated and a blessing for them. Thank you so much 🙏