We found out that Miguel has cancer on the 4th of August. On Aug. 11th he had a liver biopsy done at Integris. The type of cancer that we were told is called Adenocarcinoma of the liver. He has not been the type of person that gets sick very often. He has never smoked and does not drink. His body even rejects the opioid painkillers the doctor has prescribed. We attend a Messianic Jewish Synagogue every Saturday and serve where we were needed, up until he got sick. Without him working, our family does not have any revenue coming in. He is the breadwinner of our household and a wonderful father. Wife of 24 years, Shelly has anemia and has a history of blood clots, and is not able to work outside the home. I was taking care of the other part of the business from an office in the home. We have a lawn care company that we have had for 7 years, but now his body is becoming too weak to continue to work in the field. He does not have a helper. We are going to lose all the accounts that we have with the lawn care business. He does not have insurance because he does not qualify for any. We need help with medical bills, medicine, and possible travel expenses, depending on where the care is going to take us. Please help to bless us with donations only for these things. None of the donations will be used for anything else. We will provide proof of all donations paid and all bills that it is used for so there will be accountability. If you are not able to donate monetary, please provide prayer or any other type of support available.