• help@givetaxfree.org

Your donation is 100% tax deductible, up to limits set by the IRS. You receive a tax deductible receipt immediately through email.
Please share this campaign through Facebook and other social media.

UPDATE #3 – April 13, 2024

Hi everyone! I have been hoping to share a more detailed update by now but the battle has just been too intense to do so. I have seen some precious victories and small steps forward over the past week that I look forward to sharing as soon as I possibly can, but I am presently facing a significant situation with my physical heart, as well as dealing with some major toxicity issues from contaminated water and much more. My regular support has greatly decreased this year, while needs have also skyrocketed, and I have been unable to pay rent or obtain urgently needed treatment to stabilize my situation. There are many things on my heart that I would love to do to engage more with each of you and anyone who supports me, such as providing creative content, and more, but at the moment, I am honestly just pouring absolutely everything into not giving up, holding ground, and trying to reach some measure of stabilization. I know it will come with His help and yours. Just needed to put out this cry for urgent help right now. Thank you, friends!

“I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread.” – Psalm 27:25

UPDATE #2 – March 13, 2024

My friend, Stephanie, recently recorded this short two and half minute update on my situation that I wanted to pass along here. So grateful for you all. ❤


UPDATE #1 – December 30, 2023

Charissa cannot thank you all enough for all your support since this campaign first launched! Because of your generosity she has been able to catch up on some of her rent, put food on her table, and most of all, receive life-sustaining treatment that has preserved her these past few months. Her battle has intensified dramatically and she presently lacks the capacity to engage with others but she is greatly looking forward to the day when she can thank each of you in a more personal way, along with sharing her battles and victories in video format. She is rejoicing in getting some sleep for the first time in a few weeks, as well as her immune system strengthening a bit further (she had one day off without a new virus recently for first time in many months!). At the moment, she is fighting around the clock just to breathe, eat, hydrate, and sleep, and it is a constant battle not to not give up but she truly believes that a new dawn is just ahead. Charissa presently needs medical care multiple times a week in order to sustain her life and rent will soon be due again. All funds received so far have been invested in her treatment and basic needs. If you know anyone looking to make a year-end tax deductible gift, could you share her story with them? The needs are great but the dawn WILL come. 

Prayer Focus Requests – She would love prayer for: endurance/overcoming power, courage, the ability to take in sufficient food and water to survive, sleep, protection from viruses, healing for all the systems of her body that have broken down, replenishment of missing nutrients, provision for treatment/needs and peace to cover and surround her. Thank you dearly!

The Need: Charissa has been battling debilitating, multi-system chronic illness for many years which has left her disabled, unable to support herself, and in great need. Disability income and support from friends does not begin to cover the cost of treatment, rent, and basic needs, and health insurance will not cover her treatment beyond a partial coverage of an ER trip or hospitalization. 

Charissa’s Current Situation: Charissa battles many conditions that are all interrelated, the most severe of which are Adrenal Fatigue (Stage 3), Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome(CIRS), Biotoxin/Mold Illness, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome(MCAS), Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), Long-Haul Covid, and Candida. She has a history of Lyme Disease and lengthy list of additional diagnoses. 

These illnesses affect every system of her body and each moment of existence can feel like running a marathon that never stops. There are no breaks. This year has been one of the hardest years yet, with multiple ER trips, a hospitalization, a month without stable housing, two more rounds of Covid, and extra intense struggles to take in the bare minimum levels of food, water, and sleep needed for survival.

Charissa’s immune system is quite compromised and she has been fighting one virus after another for longer than she can remember. Due to swallowing and severe digestive issues, getting enough food and water down to survive is a 24-7 battle that never lets up. She faces continual reactions to her environment, as well as foods and more. Her adrenals have been functioning at 30% at best and cannot recover without adequate sleep, sunshine, and nutrition, all of which have been out of reach for many years. Charissa’s severe nutrient deficiencies, pathogen and toxic load, environmental reactions, and the things already mentioned above make life completely unbearable apart from the strength that God provides for every impossible moment. He is her only Hope and He is good when life is not.

Listen to the video above to hear a little from Charissa about her story.

How Can You Help?

Your financial gift will allow Charissa to receive life-giving medical treatment, which without leads to a downhill spiral and places her in a more life-threatening position. Your support also helps her move just a bit closer to healing and wholeness as she implements protocols designed to restore broken systems. Your gift will keep a roof over her head and provide an environment in which she can heal. And it will provide basic needs such as groceries, supplements, and much-needed dental work.

You are welcome to give here on this platform if you need a tax deduction. If that is not needed then giving directly to Charissa is a better option because no processing fees will be deducted and she will have access to the funds sooner. She can accept Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, or a physical check. And if you are able to join her team as a monthly supporter, please reach out and let her know. Having something regular to depend on is a huge help.

Looking to do something practical beyond financial support?

  • Do you know of a business that might be willing to support Charissa’s healing with even a one-time gift? If so, could you share this opportunity with them? And please share it with anyone you think might willing to join in the effort to help Charissa reach her new day.

  • Would you be willing to do a short live on your social media, sharing Charissa’s situation? Many have been generous over the years but there is a significant need to expand the support base right now and she would love to encourage others with her story however she can.

  • Social media skills? Charissa is looking for someone who can help her create reels which can be shared with a wider audience for both support and as a way to encourage others who are also struggling for hope.

  • Up for an interview? Charissa needs assistance to make a simple interview video regarding her story/current situation that will help provide a better overview for those who would not take the time to read something like this. It can be done over Zoom.

  • If you can help with any of these things, have questions, or want to give directly, you can email her at charisgalbraith@gmail.com. 

Be Assured: You can trust that all funds received through this campaign will be solely dedicated to implement life-sustaining and healing medical care, along with covering rent and basic needs, such as groceries, water, and supplements. Your gift is honored and will be used with great trust.

From Charissa:

I cannot thank you all enough for your support, prayers, and life-giving words. I truly am unable to do this without you. And whatever you are facing today, do not let go of your hope! I cannot count how many times I have wanted to stop fighting, stop enduring, stop hoping. Every single day, actually. And yet, if I had listened to those voices I would not be here today.

Your story is not finished yet either. There IS a new dawn ahead. Keep going! You are closer than you know. We will see it together.”


Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, God’s Sunrise will break upon us, shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death.” – Luke 1:78 MSG

The sun of righteousness will dawn on those who honor my name, healing radiating from its wings.” – Malachi 4:2 MSG

“And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.”

– Isaiah 42:16

I’ve Supported Before. What Progress Has Been Made Since Last Time?”

Since her last fundraiser campaign launched a year ago, Charissa has seen some specific improvements. She has had stable housing since July and deeper roots underlying her illness have been revealed. Every bit of treatment she has received has enabled her to continue to live and prevent her from losing all the ground gained. Other FAQ can be found here.


Please share this campaign on social media so that others can help and make donations.