• help@givetaxfree.org

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We are the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Light of Christ Conference, Inc. We are located in Clearwater, FL 33765. Our Conference was established in 1969 and we are proud to say that one hundred percent of the donations and grants we receive go to house, clothe and feed our neighbors. We provide for other needs as well: medications, furniture, fuel to get to work. If a person is living in their car, we have been known to pay their car insurance as we consider it their home. Our motto is no need is beyond the scope of our ministry. Our overhead, which is minimal, we have never had paid personnel at our conference, is paid out of own volunteers pockets.   Our mission to date has been to keep people in their homes. When we encounter a homeless neighbor, we try to direct them to other agencies who can provide them with shelters. We are not always successful. We recently learned that there are 159 homeless mothers living in their cars with their children. We would like to expand our services to include low income and, in extreme cases, no income housing, long enough to teach those who are able a skill, find them employment and set them up in permanent housing. We have property, attached to our soup kitchen, which we think would be ideal for the construction of forty units. We have been negotiation with the city of Clearwater and are hopeful that this project will bear fruit. However, even id this attempt does not flower, we are determined to make an impact on the homeless problem in our town. We appeal to other Americans, who have proven time and time again, to be the most generous people in this world. Help us help those who are unable to help themselves. God Bless You, All of us at SVdP Light of Christ


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