Hello, I’m Mark. I have been given the unpleasant gift of cancer. I originally just wanted to lose a little weight. But after losing over 110 pounds and going through a lot of test from my doctor, we discovered it. My cancer is threefold and stated as unique. I am diagnosed with Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus, Liver Metastases, and Lymph Node metastases, and (Leukemia) a cancer throughout my blood. In other words, they can’t operate, and they can’t do radiation because not only is it affecting organs, but it is throughout my blood. I have been informed my treatment will be lifelong (the rest of my life). My treatment is systemic chemotherapy with FOLFOX plus Nivolumab (an immunal therapy drug). I am under current treatment, only a month in as the end of June 2022. The side effects of the treatment are taking its tolls. I was a Butcher Assistant. And now unable to work, Why? One of the drugs make me very sensitive to cold. I am unable to physically handle cold items, and even with gloves on its hard. It effects all areas of the body. Hands, feet, body itself and even the ablitlity to eat or drink cold items. ( And I Love Ice Cream). The effects are nerve triggers. Like thousands of little electrical shocks. Not Fun. But I will deal theses effects and stay possitive. This IS a big glitch in my road of life. I’m a 62 year old person that has a wonderful wife that kicked cancers butt 13 years ago. And I plan on beating this. Medical bils have started to pile up and I’m not sure how they will be taken care of. I had applied for SS Disability which did get aproved, but doesn’t cover the past medical bills. I’m asking for help. Any little bit would help and I deeply appriciate all. All donations will go towards medical bills as thats where my greatest need is. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and Thank You for any donation you may be able to make. From my family and especially from me, Thank You and may your family have a healthy and fulfilled life. May God Bless each and every one. Thank You