• help@givetaxfree.org

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When I encounter people and they ask me how I’m doing, more often than not, my response is, ” I am blessed!” This response, coming from a 65-year-old leukemia patient, and leukemia is blood cancer, with ITP, type 2 diabetes, atrial fibrillation and skeletal issues! I’m at a point in this journey that I realize that all these things, which are a result of aging coupled with all the chemicals in the environment, may have stopped me from doing some of what I want to do, but hasn’t stopped me from being who I am. I am going through a round of chemo right now, for the leukemia. Treating the Leukemia and the ITP, chronic low blood platelet count, causes side effects that causes flare ups in my other chronic illnesses. I am often hospitalized. although I am 65-year-old I am still trying to work. at this point I am not able to. physically, I just can’t do it anymore. I talked with an advocate about filing for disability and was told that i couldn’t work and it would take from 3 to 6 months to get it started. I asked him how you were supposed to sustain yourself while you wait3 to 6 months. his response was don’t you have some friend or family who will take care of you? I just need some help, with bills, food and rent while I try to get disability and retirement started. Thank you for considering helping me. Any help you can render is appreciated.


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