Hey everyone, My name is Matthew Holley and I am a 28 year old male who suffers from one of the most severe cases of Marfan Syndrome to date. The DRs around me have given up hope as they have exhausted all options they know of and still had a failed aneurysm repair and 2 more inoperable aneurysms that can burst at any time now they say. So with that being said, I have been on Hospice for the past few months just to be more comfortable to make the memories i want to with my loved ones before that time does come. One problem though, I have a fairly decent amount of debt from before i was injured, and living off a disability check every month is hard enough to make it until the next check, so paying off these debts have been hard and long. But i have yet to miss a single payment as of today because i do not want to leave any debt behind for my loved ones to have to worry about. The funeral expenses are going to be a handful themselves since my condition, Life insurance is practically non-existent for me, and i just dont know what else to do. I am in desperate need of some financial help. If not for debt, but to have funds to be able to go on adventures that make everlasting memories, or to get some independence back before its my time, etc. I normally dont ask for handouts, but idk what else to do at this point.