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Campaign update:5/6/24

Please Help The Lucas Family -John P Lucas. You can donate on either page, and the updates are the same. Please share this with everyone that you can. It would really help out my family!!!

Fight & Get into Remission from An Agressive Reaccurance of Espohageal Metastasis Cancer Stage IV.

Created by Jill Sokolowski, a long time family friend (Sister) of 50+ years..

John, Jeri Lucas & Family are struggling financially, physically & emotionally from John’s Agressive Espohageal Metastasis Cancer plus his wife Jeri, of 35 years, an amputee has many medical & daily living activities she cannot do without help. John helps her as does their 3 sons.

She needs a hip and knee replacement on her left side. Jeri has severe nerve pain not relieved with medication, injections etc. Her life is mostly in her bed elevating & sleeping 😴.

An immediate caregiver is very much needed for both John & Jeri’s daily care. This is costly something they cannot afford.

Food is very important but expensive neither John or Jeri cook. Daily tasks are difficult or just don’t get done.


5/29/2024: New PET Scan for John. Stressful/Scared for entire family due to the Agreesive Metastasis that is presently being treated.

4/28/2024 :
John’s chemotherapy/immunotherapy treatments are more aggressive to reduce the area with organs having tumors hoping a risky Abdominal surgery would be an available treatment to reduce chances of more spreading and Remission.

John is very fatigued, has mouth, skin & hand sores, vision problems. He deals with lymphadima & whole body pain as well as neuropathy in his hands & feet. Peeling skin from his hands limits his ability to perform daily living activities.

He has lack of focus as well as limited ability to travel far from home with all of his extensive side effects from both chemotherapy & immunotherapy. Bloody nose issues, digestive & eating difficulties are just some side effects.

During John’s chemotherapy treatment he was given his billing charges from his January 2024 cancer biopsy surgery: $30,000 as well as another $6400 for genetic & other cancer treatment bills for ER & treatments. All bills were approved, paid than reversed by his insurance. Appeals were tried & denied. In order to resolve these bills -John must setup a payment plan UNBELIEVABLE!!! 4/1/2024-4/2/2024
Pet Scan Stage IV diagnosis.

Still attacking John’s vital organs. His liver, vessels, stomach lining, small bowel & entire abdominal area including various lymph nodes. Some areas with cancer in the organs are unreachable at this stage.

Another 8 weeks of treatments. (4) every other week.
John is in great distress.

A very risky Large Abdominal area surgery may have to be performed in urgency. A consult at 1 of 2 places with Dr’s who do this surgery. John’s cancer must show enough evidence that he will have sufficient amount of bowel remaining for his survival. Presently, he is not a candidate for surgery.

Feb 2024:
John after 1 year in remission has Stage IV (4) Metastasis Espohageal cancer which has now in his abdominal area, lymph nodes, liver, vessels & small bowel.

Their savings were used for the 3.9 years of chemotherapy/ treatments & Out of pocket bills, including $2400 monthly medical insurance coverage costs for both John & Jeri. John has been in treatments for Espohageal cancer in CA, AZ & WI. These treatments have had excellent results.  2 Remissions!!

I pray that both my Sister & Brother-in-law can remain in their home. Jeri (an amputee) needs a handicapped accessible home.

*****This Campaign for donations is critical to John & Jeri’s survival. It also will help greatly to keep John & Jeri in their Perfect home. Assistance with daily activities & provide all this awesome couple.

Please share this with as many people as possible. Blessings to All!


Hi, I’m Jill Sokolowski, a lifelong  family friend (Sister) to John Lucas & his family.  I’ve been in their lives for over 50 years.  John & Jeri have always been there to help me & my mom with many financial bills due to dementia.

In December 2023, after 1 year in remission from Espohageal Cancer Stage IV, John’s fighting for his life.

Unfortunately, John’s cancer has metastasized to his liver, lymph nodes & abdominal area. Due to the large size of small colon, liver & lymph nodes plus cancer areas it is non-operable, plus difficult to reach. A surgical  option would take John’s life because of the vast large size of the cancer.

John’s treatment for his cancer hoptions are very limited at this time.
He has sought out other 2nd opinions in other states with Advanced cancer programs.  The costs of care appear to be mostly non-covered by commercial health insurance.

If a 2nd + opinion would work utilizing more aggressive treatments towards remission, John would be required to pay even more unaffordable costs than he presently struggles to do.

If John & Jeri have NOT been required to pay a significant amount of money for out of pocket every month for their health care premiums, it would take much stress from John

On top of the large treatment expenses,  John is ALSO required to keep paying other medical bills from his previous very expensive monthly immunotherapy plus other required medications.

This campaign is dire to John’s  life.  His wife Jeri depends on John for her daily care she is disabled and an amputee.

Chemotherapy & immunotherapy treatments are all the treatment options John has right now.  Dr’s are treating John aggressively.

Please help me with any donation you can give John to help him fight his 3 back to remission. His family has endured vast medical expenses and they desperately need your help!! Thank you. ❤️


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