• help@givetaxfree.org

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I have never asked for any help before and not very good at it. But times are tuff and I have been overwhelmed with medical bills and home repair. Been paying on my wife’s ankle surgery (she broke it in three places and had plates put in) and now my Air Conditioner needs replacing.  In the south it is hot, and an AC is a must, not sure how most do without them. I remember as a child not having an AC unit. Not sure how we survived back then. First AC I remember having was a window unit. Now I have a portable unit that I been using moving front of house to back room of the house. So yeah, it’s not the greatest way to cool it but it’s the only way I have to cool it right now. Tried taking out a loan haven’t had no luck credit needs work. It is bad when you work hard all your life to make a better life for you and your family and keep coming up short. Never would I have ever guessed that one day I would be online to asking people for money. But here I am, and I would appreciate anything that you can spare. Not sure if this is the right thing to do when others need it more than I do.  But all I can do is try and hope for the best. (Not real sure why on earth you need to type two hundred and fifty word to ask someone to donate some money for a cause. For whatever reason they have for making you type that many words is beyond me. But as I sit here, and type I know it’s for a good reason and I’ll type until I reach two hundred and fifty words.

Thank you and God Bless


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