I have spent the majority of my professional career providing services to those diagnosed with chronic disease. I have been empathetic, a sounding board, and an invaluable resource. During this service, I’ve learned some cues from the medical community, when my pathology results wouldn’t load into my health record…I knew. I get the call and arrive at the doctor’s and feel this would be the last day before I would be associated with Cancer. I hear the official diagnosis and am encouraged by my physician; she tells me I will survive, refers me to a Cancer Center with a renowned surgeon, and wishes me well. I go to the car and sit, I want to cry, but the tears won’t come. At each appointment, I meet someone who needs an encouraging message, I summon the Spirit and offer a word, a hug and am present. Even in my own moment, I am a Case Manager/Social Worker. The subsequent actions seem to happen quickly, the treatment team, facilities, and then the financial counselor. The out-of-pocket medical costs, medication, transportation, and associated health care are easily overwhelming and require me to do what I never do and that is to ask for assistance. I am compelled to become a Cancer survivor and lean on my faith and the promise of His Word that “I am healed.” Your donation will allow me to concentrate on healing during my various stages of incapacitation. Your prayers, positive thoughts, texts, and online messages are welcome and necessary. I am thankful for your financial response and look forward to being Cancer free and in restored health.