• help@givetaxfree.org

Your donation is 100% tax deductible, up to limits set by the IRS. You receive a tax deductible receipt immediately through email.
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Hello my fellow viewers and supporters! This campaign is being created to help support my financial needs that are not covered medically for individuals that have been diagnosed with cancer. This is my second term with battling cancerand we’re preparing for a cure. I’m trying to keep food, utilities, housing and car expenses managed until I go into remission.

Your support couldn’t have come at a better time. I pray that whoever sees my campaign understands that if we do not ask for assistance then no one knows that we really need help. This is my cry for assistance. I’m covered medically, but my medical bills are the only ones covered while I’m not working. I recently finished chemo and my surgery is scheduled for November 5, 2021, followed by radiation.

Your assistance will allow me to continue treatment stress free and allow me to recover without the thought of losing my home and other life necessities. As this campaign has been written with hope that you find it in your heart to help, I pray that you all continue to receive.



Lakonda Taylor


Please share this campaign on social media so that others can help and make donations.