• help@givetaxfree.org

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Lino’s has some very exciting adventures in the works and we need YOUR help!

Lino completed his first therapy intensive last year and learned many new skills! He has improved head & neck control, as well as strength & endurance to use to explore some independence! He’s made amazing gains since switching to the intensive therapy model, but the cost continues to be staggering since our insurance does not cover any of these intensives. He completed an intensive in April that was funded by our last campaign, but he’s once again been accepted into a 3 week intensive at the NAPA center in Boston, MA. This intensive is significantly more expensive since we must relocate to Boston for 3 weeks and we are in need of funding to cover the cost of the treatment itself, travel, lodging, meals, etc.

He’s also been approved for a Trexo, which is a robotic attachment for a gait trainer that allows him to build endurance & strength while walking. He recently did a short trial in the device when we attended the Abilities Expo and it was the most amazing experience to witness him walking. He loved it so much and we couldn’t be more excited for him that the company approved him to have a device built just for him! With this device, Lino will start a daily walking routine & schedule that will not only give him the experience of engaging with the world while walking, but also build strength & muscle memory for a better gait. Of course, this device is also not covered by insurance and has a whopping cost of nearly $40k, which covers the cost of the device and the gait trainer that is required for attachment. We intend on leasing the device for 3 years, instead of paying for the entire device up front so we are looking to cover the cost of the intensive and at least 1-2 years if the lease.

With your help, we will be able to give Lino both of these opportunities! This fundraiser will cover the entire cost of the 3 week intensive and about 1.5 years of the lease for the Trexo. Thank you for your support!


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