The Jones family finds themselves thrust into a whirlwind of uncertainty following Josie’s diagnosis. At only 17, she confronts the daunting reality of a Grade 3/4 neuroepithelial tumor, Glioma. Despite the fear and uncertainty, Josie’s resilience shines brightly as she prepares to face this formidable challenge head-on. Supported by the prayers, donations, and unwavering support of our community, Josie embarks on her journey with treatment at KU Medical in Kansas City, marking the start of a long and arduous road ahead. But with every step she takes, Josie is enveloped in the love and encouragement of those who rally around her. Their collective efforts, no matter how small, serve as beacons of hope illuminating Josie’s path toward healing.
Together, let us stand united behind Josie, providing her with the strength and comfort she needs to endure this trial. With our unwavering support, she can focus on her treatments and rediscover the simple joys of being a 17-year-old girl.
We humbly ask to send prayers, uplifting words, cards, and donations as Josie faces this challenge head on. We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who has already shown compassion, generosity, and commitment to standing with Josie in her fight against cancer. Your support is a testament to the incredible power of community and solidarity in times of adversity. Every gesture, from thoughtful cards and messages, serves as a reminder that Josie is not alone in her battle. Together, we will see her through this challenging journey, uplifting her spirits and bolstering her determination to overcome every obstacle in her path.
Much love,
Josie’s Family