I really need some help. I am working I have 4 children under 18. The cost of living I just don’t make enough but make too much for government assistance. I don’t understand how I am supposed to survive right now my bills are almost 5000 a month and my checks average 2500-3000 a month. My rent alone is $2294. I can’t afford to get an eviction. I can’t afford to move. I pay my rent and other bills get behind. My light bill was 600 for the summer months. I feel like giving up. Please help me pay something.I have never done anything like this but I am dropping my pride to make sure my kids have a stable roof over their heads. Please help us. I am a good person trying to make a better life for my children, unfortunately my finances and dreams are not in alignment. I was willing to move into a motel but I work nights and having girls that scares me because we have no family here. I just want to make sure my children are ok.I have 2 children who are disabled with Brachial Plexus Palsy but can’t receive SSI because of my income that would help us but unfortunately their disability is not valid because I work. I dont understand that. It seems like I have to be below the poverty line to receive help from anyone. I pray that one day I am able to get out of this mess so I can help other single moms. This was my biggest fear after my divorce not being able to take care of my children. I had to choose peace in my household. My children had witnessed too much abuse and I wanted them to have a chance at a healthy life in healthy relationships but now we are struggling so bad I’m regretting my decision to leave. My heart knows I made the right decision but i fear i have put us in a worse situation for them to not have a home. This is killing me mentally but I know in my hear God is keeping us for a reaon. He is my peace my strength and my way maker. All i need is one yes from him and everything will be sustainable. He said in his word he would supply all my needs according to his riches and glory through christ Jesus all I have is his promises right now so I am holding on to them. He promised me peace in the midst of my trials and tribulations. His word says all I need is faith the size of a mustard seed. He will never leave me nor for sake me and I know the right person will read this and understand my situation and God will put it on their hearts to help my family. Please be that person may the Lord bless you and keep you,