Rick is a loving husband to Melissa and the father of three adorable munchkins, Reese (4), Mollie (3) and Rhett (9mo.). Rick is a very hard worker and a skilled mechanic and is employed by a local, family-owned company where he uses his skills refurbishing airplanes.
Last fall (2021) Rick began having health issues with symptoms that escalated in severity as the year came to an end to the point of Rick being unable to work. Initial medical testing did not give definite answers. On December 21 a CT scan revealed enlarged lymph nodes and the whirl-wind journey of Cancer began. The cancer had spread to Rick’s lymphatic system but a follow-up with doctors the next two days led to emergency surgery on December 23 to remove a mass at the origination of the cancer. The cancer is aggressive and already metastasized in other areas.
Through much prayer and counsel regarding treatment Rick and Melissa made the decision to travel from Ohio to Arizona where Rick would receive a blend of conventional and holistic treatments. He responded well to the initial round of treatment which provided him with relief from pain, returning mobility and overall improvement of well-being along with blood work results to confirm progress but there is still much work to be done!
There are many who have already come alongside and blessed Rick and his family on this journey and are praying, loving and offering encouragement in various ways. All of this support is so appreciated with a long-term treatment plan and recovery still in process.
Thank you for your prayers for this family and any donation will help with the cost of Rick’s treatments and keep him fueled as he travels the road to recovery!