Hello and thank you for taking time to read I am just trying to get help with medical bills. I am a single women and like thousands of others I am struggling during these difficult times.
I had a procedure done and was stuck with a $2200.00 dollar bill that had I known that would happen I would have never gotten it done, which is sad considering I needed it done in order to check the condition of my heart.
I have never asked for help with anything ever, was even hesitant to ask now but I am in such dire straits I feel I have no choice it is between asking for help or figuring out how to pay this bill and eat. Not trying to be dramatic but this is really the last resort I have asked for help from family and friends but they ride in the same boat as me and for as much as they wish they could help, they are no better off.
I thank everyone in advance for any help you could offer it is greatly appreciated and when I get back on my feet I will be sure to pay it forward any way I can. Thank you and God bless.