Please help us! I am a single mom who has cancer for the second time. First it was stage 4 breast cancer in 2018 then became cancer free in 2020 before the pandemic. Now in 2023-2024 I have been rediagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, which means it has spread to my bones and liver. I have a son who is 15 now but was 9 in the picture. I have tapped into my 401k and was taxed heavily for early takeout. I don’t have any money saved for my son as my treatments are very costly, and my insurance only covers so much. I do not own a home I rent and that is getting costly as well and I don’t have the funds to move anywhere else. My family has tapped out their accounts to try to help us but they are retired and I don’t feel right asking for more. I too would like to retire someday if I make it that long.I understand cancer is not uncommon anymore and there are too many people in need of assistance but having this disease and sharing my knowledge with others is all I have to give right now. I am staying as strong as I can for my son but it is hard for him as he is concerned about this disease and how I could have gotten it. I had a genetic test done to see if it ran in my family and It came back negative. So I explained to him that life throws you curve balls, and you can’t see it coming, but it’s important to stay strong and fight for everything you can and want in life because it will not be handed over so easily. So I have showed him this site and how there are wonderful, gracious individuals out there in the world that want to help and can sometimes, so that is why I am trying out this platform for assistance. I dont know if I will beat this disease a second time around so please donate so I can give my son some hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thanks so much!