Hello everyone, I am trying to raise money for my Grandfathers funeral expenses and his hospital bills. My Grandfather was diagnosed with cancer again early on last year . He was battling this demon off an on . He was a great man! Kind, loving, smart,hardworking, giving Christian man! He was on City Council in Breckenridge County , Kentucky. He was a Kentucky Colonel and loved helping anyone and everyone! He always loved motorcycles. He was a true biker , he would ride all the time. He loved the freedom you get from riding a motorcycle.He loved his wife dearly and his family. His wife and him loved going hiking at Red River Gorge! Before he passed they had so many plans to go back to their favorite rock. Unfortunately, that did not get to happen. On April 23rd,2021 he sadly passed away. Two weeks prior , his wife and him decided to think about quality over quantity and they stopped the chemo. Just two short weeks is all they got after that decision! The night of the accident he was feeling better and decided to go out to the garage and work on his trailer. He was always in that garage doing something! He loved working on motorcycles or his 40 he had. He was in the garage everyday before this last cancer got him! He was working on the trailer spray painting and he must of stumbled and the can or cans fell right in front of the propane heater and exploded . His whole front side of his body was badly burned . He got knocked out upon impact but was badly burned and just couldn’t fight no more. Scrubbing the burns to clean them would send him into shock even more and cause more pain. So, we decided that it was time to pull him off of the vent and let god take it from there! We all gathered around him , holding him. We shared stories, laughed , prayed and shed tears and smiled. When we all got done his wife told him it was okay to leave and said her goodbyes and we watched him take his final breath in this world . That was my first time ever seeing death up close and witnessing god come take a precious soul that was suffering in his human body form.God let him go out doing what he loved and i think my Grandfather knew it was near . His wife is so kind so selfless and was practically his nurse for the last half of his life. The bills came back into the estate in his name and she doesn’t want to sell all of his things because those are all the memories she has left of him. She shouldn’t be striped of those because of bills. I am begging and pleading to everyone that can help , please! She is an amazing women, human resource officer at school, mother,and is also on Council. She deserves to be taken care of because all she every did and still does is help family and care for everyone. My Grandfather would do the same if anyone else needed it. His wife is spreading the word of other fundraisers for people because that is who she is . She is not selfish and she is an amazing woman! If you could donate anything it would help! He has medical bills beyond belief . The helicopter ride to Louisville alone was close to 75,000. To those that can help God bless you and your family! Will attach pictures of the procession.