Papa Rich is 60 years old and a wonderful, loving grandfather to 3 grand kids. He has been sick since 2014 with Sarcoidosis. He became very sick and weak and he had to quit working. In 2015 he was diagnosed with severe Pulmonary Fibrosis and Stage 4 Interstitial Lung Disease. In 2019 his Lung Disease was upgraded to Advanced Stage 4. In 2022 he had several very painful Bacterial Lung Infections and has become much sicker. He coughs a lot and his lungs burn with every breath he takes. In August 2022, he was placed on the UNOS Lung Transplant List. He is just waiting on a call from the Mayo Clinic, once donor lungs become available. He will have a long recovery that includes continuous monitoring at the Mayo Clinic. He is on oxygen 24 hours a day and his only chance at life is a Double Lung Transplant. He will be on Anti-Rejection drugs for life and will have lots of doctor, hospital, and prescription bills. He just needs help getting ahead of all the expenses for the Double Lung Transplant pre and post transplant. He has been sick almost since we were born. He has not been able to do much stuff with us because he has a hard time breathing. Please help our “Papa Rich”, we want him to live to be an “old man” and be able to play soccer with us and take us to do all the fun things like the Zoo, the Park, Monster Truck shows, the Movies, Nascar races, Go Cart rides, and all the fun things that kids do with their favorite grandpa. We love him very much.