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My name is,Indira Montanez,i’m 50 yrs old; This is my story ,i have been living with diabetes for over more that 22 years . I have the bariatric surgery on June of this yrs. And consequently i have lost 40 pounds,my health has changed positively my blood sugar level are now within normal limits. Because of my diabetes condition i have lost many of my teeth,is not easy to smile,its impossible for me to pay the amount of $3.000,cause I depend of the government check once a month,I’m retired and the goverment pay only for extractions,if i can receive any monetary assistance on your part i would really appreciate it. thank you.  The name of the dentist I’ve been seeing  is Patel Phalguni she had x-rays done on my teeth and also impressions  on my upper and lower gum. I am willing to see another dentist if you prefer.

Thank you so much

 Indira Montanez
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