• help@givetaxfree.org

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My wife and I are 78-year-old Vietnam Veterans, me Air Force and Mary was in the Navy.  We are both retired and completely on social security which is not much.  We have had to use Mary’s retirement money to make ends meet because of some bad investments and the economy causing prices to go up.  I have recently developed problems with my lower legs, which the Doctors are still trying to figure out what is causing it.  Mary has a heart condition that she takes medicine for.  This June 28th we will be celebrating our 50th year of marriage.  Never in our wildest dreams did we think at our age we would be having this problem.  

Our car was in an accident after the Mardi Gras parade.  Thankfully, no one was hurt.  But, it has left us without a car. After Mary retired because of health problems and I was working from home, I had dropped the Insurance to what was required by our State.  So, no help form the Insurance company for a car.  

We do not have the funds for a down payment and our tight budget won’t allow us to have a car payment.  For almost two years we did not have a car payment.  We would put some of that away and once a month we would go out to eat.  Since the accident we have used our saved funds to make our doctor’s appointment using cabs.  Our city doesn’t have public transportation available.  We are very blessed with neighbors that have taken us to the store to get groceries when needed. 

My wife and I use our Social Security for the mortgage, electricity, gas, utilities, medicine, certain doctor appointments (co-pay), car insurance (when we get one), phones, cable and groceries.  Without a car, we can’t get to Mass or to our monthly Doctor appointments without paying for a cab which really cuts into our tight budget.

As an individual that has always prided himself on making ends meet for Mary and me. It is very frustrating to have to ask for money for a car.  But, without your help there is no way for us to afford one.  We do not have the money for down payment, let alone make car payments again.  We are praying that you will donate the money we need to get a decent used car.  Any money that we receive that is up and above what we pay for the car, we will donate to family’s on here.

God Bless each of you and as always be safe.  


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