Praise God for all of the assistance we may receive. We humbly ask for your help. Leif is my Superman his is my soulmate. His diagnosis was October of 2012. He is now transfusion dependant in order to stay alive. The only support we have is our faith in God. He has been fighting leukemia for just over 10 years and we are grateful. Unfortunately, it has gotten aggressive within the last 4 months. We are holding on to our faith over our fears. He is at the end of his season and our Financials are depleted. Any and all help would be a blessing from God. We have 2 beautiful grandchildren under the age of 12 that we have been given as a blessing to care for. We have given our lives to keep our family’s needs meet. Our father God is our Spiritual leader and is the truth. We are at a time when a part of life becomes difficult for us to accept. We find strength in God. We have been through many challenges and have went through obstacles and GOD have never let us down. We Thankfully have made it in to a journey of over 10 years. Thank you in advance for your thoughts & prayers. May God bless you abundantly. We are all God’s children. Please let your hearts be filled with love and joy. We are not promised tomorrow. Together we can do anything thru Christ.
Melody Causey & Leif Causey
We seek refuge under his wings.