• help@givetaxfree.org

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Hello all of you,

I am sincerely asking your help with kicking my Breast Cancer.  My name is Brandy Irish. I am from a small town in the Northwest area of California. I am asking for your help raising the necessary money for my cancer surgery, treatment, recovery, and income loss during this time. I have three jobs and have a hard time asking for help.

I started having breast lumps when I was 20 years old. I had two lumpectomies; both were non-cancerous. I had a large lump that started making my arm sore and hurtful. My mammogram in October 2023, came back as abnormal. They did a biopsy and gave me the long face. It was cancer. My heart sank and I tried to hold back tears. I called my mom (she’s a nurse and my rock). The fibroid tumor that was making my arm hurt wasn’t cancerous (or they don’t think so), but it was masking the cancer.  I’m hopeful that they caught it in time. They gave me options of another lumpectomy with Chemo/Radiation or a mastectomy. Since I have lumps in both breasts; they have scheduled a double mastectomy without Chemo (unless they find hidden cancer).  The MRI seemed to show that the cancer hadn’t spread into my chest cavity.  My grandmother had a mastectomy and since it runs in the family; want to reduce the risk also.

I would like to have reconstructive surgery but not sure if Insurance will cover it. With three jobs, I still am not sure I will be able to afford it.  I run my own farm and work for two different engineers. Anything helps! I appreciate it.


I now have a surgery date of January 17th. In some ways I am scared and others I am ready to be pain free. 


I am getting all my loose ends put together and my mom flew in today. I have had a lot of friends offer help at the farm. I still have to take time off work and the farm. Thank you to everyone who has given me prayers, help, donations and love. 


It started snowing and got down into the negative degrees. I made it to my pre-op appointment going 40 on the interstate in 4-wheel drive. I got to the hospital on the 17th for my surgery. They got me up into the prep area, got my IV started (after 5 tries) and got me ready. The doctors, anesthesiologist and his assistant came in. I was about to be wheeled back when the Doctors came back out and said that the radioactive dye injection for the lymph node wasn’t at the hospital and no one had ordered it. I was very upset and defeated. My doctors were both livid. So they weren’t able to do any of the surgery that day. They sent me home and rescheduled for another day a week later. I was beyond mortified and upset. I tried to switch hospitals and wasn’t able to with my insurance. So I will have to just show up again on the 25th and hope that everyone had done their job. 
update: I had to keep my drains in for an extra week but the doctors said it all looked good.  Lymph nodes were negative for cancer- so no chemo!!! Whoo hoo!!! I’m 4 weeks out of surgery and back to work full time. I ran out of time off and am keeping what little I have for reconstruction. The plastic surgeon filled the extenders last Monday for the first time and released me to drive. I will have to go in once a week till the extenders are the desired size. She said some time in May will be the reconstruction. I’m trying to pay a little on all the bills and appreciate everyone’s help!!! 

i have my second surgery on the 28th if May to do reconstruction. I have been dealing with the expanders. The expanders are hard-ish type plastic that stretch the skin. I call them Barbie boobs. They aren’t much fun and have had a few issues with them. I’m still limited on what I can lift and do at all my jobs. On top of everything else I had to put my best friend and fur-child down. She never left my side. I miss her greatly. I’m looking forward to this being over. 
I had my reconstruction done today. Little bit of pain but not bad. I’m looking forward to going back to bush hogging and doing my regular farm chores. Thank you everyone for you love, support and help! 


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